
punintended layerless ness

I am an onion full
of layers (and gas (and tears))
I'll accept my onionity
to be
the only way
you'll now permit
to see any
tasty bits of me

will we be free?

answer if
and when and where
you hear
my only question of you

i :: am

quantum Unlocked


je :: suis

:: ému ::

i :: am :: healingkid

if what may be
is written

it just may be
that this kid reads

if blind and deaf
we reach for one
an' other

this kid may reach
that we should
feel the song

Thank You

thank you for

over me.

i hope not to presume
much in hoping
that you should

over you.



i :: am

what they call
«well adjusted»


Twitter ぷれいやー

Now I lay me down to sleep
I play for @om my tweetz to keep
and if @failwhale before I wake
then screw it! ...back to e-mail.


Spam of the Day: My "Belove Couch Adventures"

Although I wouldn't click your website link if it were lined with platinum, "Truman Duran,"
I have little doubt that your yellow pill is exactly what I have been looking for.
...without looking for it:

aid your belove couch adventures with yellow pill.
salutary effect assured. special bonus for every sale

I'm sold! yes, i will check


i :: am



Édith Piaf et Charles Aznavour : «Le bleu de tes yeux» ♪ ♫

Stuck in my head (and welcome there). My mind is a sucker for the interwoven sections and some aspects of the duo's lyrical flow. Willing vector am I! This is my attempt to infect you with this 1961 french song:

Le bleu de tes yeux (paroles):
(Originally Plus Bleu Que Tes Yeux)

Plus bleu que le bleu de tes yeux,
Je ne vois rien de mieux,
Même le bleu des cieux.

Plus blond que tes cheveux dorés
Ne peut s'imaginer,
Même le blond des blés.

Plus pur que ton souffle si doux,
Le vent, même au mois d'août,
Ne peut être plus doux.

Plus fort que mon amour pour toi,
La mer, même en furie,
Ne s'en approche pas.

Plus bleu que le bleu de tes yeux,
Je ne vois rien de mieux,
Même le bleu des cieux.

Si un jour tu devais t'en aller
Et me quitter,
Mon destin changerait tout-à-coup
Du tout au tout.

Plus gris que le gris de ma vie,
Rien ne serait plus gris,
Pas même un ciel de pluie.

Plus noir que le noir de mon cœur,
La terre en profondeur
N'aurait pas sa noirceur.

Plus vide que mes jours sans toi,
Aucun gouffre sans fond
Ne s'en approchera.

Plus long que mon chagrin d'amour,
Même l'éternité
Près de lui serait court.

Plus gris que le gris de ma vie,
Rien ne serait plus gris,
Pas même un ciel de pluie.

On a tort de penser, je sais bien,
Aux lendemains.
A quoi bon se compliquer la vie

Plus bleu que le bleu de tes yeux,
Je ne vois rien de mieux,
Même le bleu des cieux.

Plus blond que tes cheveux dorés
Ne peut s'imaginer,
Même le blond des blés.

Plus pur que ton souffle si doux,
Le vent, même au mois d'août,
Ne peut être plus doux.

Plus fort que mon amour pour toi
La mer, même en furie,
Ne s'en approche pas.

Plus bleu que le bleu de tes yeux,
Je ne vois que les rêves
Que m'apportent tes yeux...

To listen, here are some awkward, modern digi-video (with audio):

If you're an anglofreak and would like this song translated into english, Google may be your friend. Also, I'll translate it for you too @ $1250 USD/hr plus a nominal $1.00 HowAboutYouJustcheckItOutInFrenchItIsArtAfterAll fee.

*I don't endorse even the artistic employ of black in association with negative emotions, fear, isolation, or uncertainty.

Spam of the Day: "'secret language'"

If it weren't for that clarifying underlining, this heartfelt message might have eluded me completely.

From the bottom of my Junk folder, I want to thank you, "Jean Steiner." Thank you:

additional pounds ? change it now.

perfect product is came

step away of it


Spam of the Day: "Your instrument will have unbelievable strength."

The force is really strong with this one... and first, some preparation....

a mi tuo fo...

a mi tuo fo......


Let thoose url on picture to visit our store
and how every plan i've ever made has been reconstructed into something harder and better than what i laid out as my own agenda.
and then i found myself a mother. funny, i thought i'd teach awhile longer and have grant all to myself and save some money.
but the main thing i love about this picture is tree cover you can see in the upper right corner. that's how it was all around the block. even on really hot days you could find a great place to play in some serious shade. everyone had a huge tree or trees somewhere on their property, and bushes, and ivy, and a great variety of things. the only reason we had those young trees on the corner was because my mom sold our big palm tree to some palm springs landscapers, ha!
