I started this post more than 2 months ago.
All that really "fit" was the title and this notion of fixed potential giving way to determined flow.
That, and availability for basic things like planned outings, phone calls, *cough*weddingsandgraduations*cough* singing, etc.
Some people have expressed difficulty understanding or accepting how busy I've been in recent months. Although I have taken breaks, traveled, and spoken with friends these months, I've woken hit the ground running and continued til sleeping otherwise. Each week has been more of an extended work session, sprinkled with naps and many, many urgent situations.
It's engaging. I look forward to what's next, even as I crash on [the whatever I'm sleeping on that day or night], and I still have no complaints. Easy? Nope. Manageable? Sometimes. Struggle? Welcome, to the extent needed to get done what must be done.
I haven't taken time to touch on highlights or attempt to explain my continual state of delay. For all the question marks floating about from others, mine is the same I'll likely ever have. For now, though, I'll be a bit like water just starting to melt and flow from ice; I'll communicate with intention when I'll have the focus and space to do so without essential distraction.
Consideration for the time-minded:
I'm still not that big a deal. Go ...soak up the sun :) I'll meet you there
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